Ottawa County, Kansas. January 2008.

Somewhere between Ada & Minneapolis, Ottawa County, Kansas
(Read to the end for a special give-away)
I thought about calling this a throwback Thursday photo, but honestly, just about anything I take photos of is a throwback to days gone by.
Back on the trip I took in the Winter of 2008 I came across this old homestead in Ottawa County, Kansas. Somewhere between the town of Ada & Minneapolis. While I try to take good notes on where I photograph, still to this day even though GPS tagging happens in camera, in 2008 cell phone reception wasn’t that great in the rural areas and the roads I traveled usually weren’t shown on the state wide maps I used. So this is most likely marked as a dot in the middle of an empty space on a map of Kansas.
This home is a great example of why I Love photographing during the winter. The amount of nature that has reclaimed this home would have made it almost impossible to view had I driven by anytime past the month of May.

Somewhere between Ada & Minneapolis, Ottawa County, Kansas

Somewhere between Ada & Minneapolis, Ottawa County, Kansas

Somewhere between Ada & Minneapolis, Ottawa County, Kansas

Somewhere between Ada & Minneapolis, Ottawa County, Kansas

The road between Ada & Minneapolis, Ottawa County, Kansas
I’m super excited to see the fan base for Lost Americana growing and I feel it would only be proper to share my joy by giving away a pieces of art from the project.
Go to the “Connect” page on the web site and signup for email updates. Every time I get 50 signups, I will pull one name out of all addresses and give the winner their pick of an 8×10 of any of the images I’m offering for sale right now. When I reach 500 I’ll give-away a mini-book of Lost Americana work. Signup quickly to get in on the first drawing and make sure you have 10 chances to win.
Thank you again for all the kind words and support I’ve been getting.
Vincent D. Johnson