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Oval Wood Dish Factory, Tupper Lake, New York

The story of rural towns often starts with a booming industry around a natural resource and a bust when the demand changes. Tupper Lake, New York fits that mold, but a long dormant eyesore on its picturesque lake could benefit from the fact that the region’s natural resource is fueling another demand.

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Gove County, Kansas

In the middle of Western Kansas farmland in Gove County sits Monument Rocks, a chalk formation that peaks out of ground creating a strange landscape

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Sims, North Dakota

Very little remains of Sim, Morton County, North Dakota. A crumbling brick home being one of the few structures left.

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“That Road” Contest

Win a 16×20 inch signed photo if you guess all the 10 states in these photos. After 25 years of trans-versing rural America, I’m catching

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