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Oval Wood Dish Factory, Tupper Lake, New York

The story of rural towns often starts with a booming industry around a natural resource and a bust when the demand changes. Tupper Lake, New York fits that mold, but a long dormant eyesore on its picturesque lake could benefit from the fact that the region’s natural resource is fueling another demand.

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Movie Theaters From Small Town America

Whether it’s courthouses, post offices, or general stores, most rural small towns have one or more of each. Same can be said about movie theaters. Here’s a collection of some theaters I’ve found while traveling over the last 25 years.

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Gove County, Kansas

In the middle of Western Kansas farmland in Gove County sits Monument Rocks, a chalk formation that peaks out of ground creating a strange landscape

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Sims, North Dakota

Very little remains of Sim, Morton County, North Dakota. A crumbling brick home being one of the few structures left.

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