Population Decline; The Hardest Hit Counties In Each State Since 1990
Since 1990 These Counties Are The Hardest Hit By Population Decline In Their State The 1990s are a significant time for Lost Americana, which goes beyond the
Since 1990 These Counties Are The Hardest Hit By Population Decline In Their State The 1990s are a significant time for Lost Americana, which goes beyond the
How Do You Spend Your Weekends? The internet is great for a wealth of information on just about any topic and with government sites online
Alexander County, Illinois Hardest Hit By Population Decline In America 2010-2016 Since 2010 no county rural, or otherwise has witnessed as large of a population
Urban Sprawl; Or Why I Always Thought Farms Were Abandoned If you have been following the Lost Americana documentary for anytime chances are you have
The American Farmer and The Silent Exodus of the 20th Century If you have lived in the Midwest, or Northeast in the past 50 years
Where should Lost Americana go in 2016? In 20 years there are very few states I have not traveled looking for abandoned barns and towns
Lost Americana: The Abandoning of Rural America A documentary by Vincent David Johnson Rural America has a long and rich history shaping the course