Documenting Lost Americana

Lost Americana Movie Trailer


The vision that comes to most people's mind when talking about rural & small town America, is that of large families working on farms with big red barns and parades down Main Streets in small towns filled with mom & pop stores.


However, now many communities are closer to ghost towns and ruins. Only unlike the Pyramids & the Great Wall these icons of the peak of America's agriculture society, as well as the people who lived when they were thriving, are quickly disappearing and will soon just be another part of Lost Americana.


-Lost Americana The Book-


To show the vastness of what is going on across this country, over the past 20 years, I've traveled to no less than 24 states photographing the ruins left behind after the golden age of rural America.



-Lost Americana The Movie-


Over the years I've heard my share of stories from the people who live in the places I travel to . In 2014 I decided to go beyond just photographing the theses places and have started interviewing the people who's were there when towns were alive and those who remain as the towns die.




©1995-2021 Vincent David Johnson